Panguna District Me’ekamui Weapons Containment Program
PDMWCP - Press Release
Date: Wednesday 28th 08 2019
RE: Successful Veterans Summit – Thanks to Stakeholders_________________________________________________________________________________
Panguna District Me’ekamui Weapons Containment (PDMWC) Program, under the Initial Plan and Command of Me’ekamui Defence Force (MDF) General Commander, Moses Pipiro, was finally agreed upon in the “Bougainville Veterans Summit at Mary Queen of the Mountains Chapel, Panguna 25th July 2019 Declaration.
Today is the 28th day of implementing Bougainville Veterans Summit joint agreed statements and a very smart working PDMWC Executive Team, led by the Powerful Ground Leaders Chris Tarusi, Paul Mirina and Sylvester Birou with their very committed, mind focused working committees who are Me’ekamui Former Combatant Commanders in Panguna have collected 63 guns, 2 mines, 10 x 30-30 bullets, 12 x 308 Bullets and 7 x 50 caliber bullets now stored in high secured office of Panguna Transit Haus. We strongly believe more and more guns will be brought in before 1st of September, 2019.
The PDMWC team acknowledges the high Profile Visit made by Bougainville Affairs Minister, Hon. Dr. Puka Temu. We thank you Minister for accepting our invitation through SMLOLA and actually coming to Panguna to witness the stored Me’ekamui Weapons Collected from our 28 days village to village awareness and consultations.
We extend our acknowledgement to Central Bougainville Region Member, Hon Sam Akoitai, ABG BPA and Implementation Minister, Hon. Albert Punghau for also being part of the Road Show Delegation to Panguna to also witness actual work done by the PDMWC team who have finally agreed to work in alignment with the rest of Bougainville in preparation for Referendum to actually vote for Bougainville INDEPENDENCE.
PDMWC Team also extends acknowledgement to John Anuma from ANCOBA, member to the Joint Weapons Disposal Secretariat and Rui Flores from UNDP for coming to Panguna and able to hear our Progressive Report regarding Me’ekamui Weapons Collection for containment.
PDMWC Team expresses its thanks to SMLOLA, RTG Minerals and the Panguna Minerals Limited Joint Venture for providing the much needed funding for the Bougainville Veterans Summit, as no funds were forthcoming from the ABG or other stakeholders. This is in addition to the generous support provided over the many years in assisting with the vast number of reconciliations and numerous disarmament awareness programs conducted throughout the villages of Central. Weapons Disposal is the pillar of the Bougainville Peace Agreement. Without the work of our long time trusted partner Renzie Duncan we would not be almost able to
PDMWCP - Press Release
Date: Wednesday 28th 08 2019
RE: Successful Veterans Summit – Thanks to Stakeholders_________________________________________________________________________________
Panguna District Me’ekamui Weapons Containment (PDMWC) Program, under the Initial Plan and Command of Me’ekamui Defence Force (MDF) General Commander, Moses Pipiro, was finally agreed upon in the “Bougainville Veterans Summit at Mary Queen of the Mountains Chapel, Panguna 25th July 2019 Declaration.
Today is the 28th day of implementing Bougainville Veterans Summit joint agreed statements and a very smart working PDMWC Executive Team, led by the Powerful Ground Leaders Chris Tarusi, Paul Mirina and Sylvester Birou with their very committed, mind focused working committees who are Me’ekamui Former Combatant Commanders in Panguna have collected 63 guns, 2 mines, 10 x 30-30 bullets, 12 x 308 Bullets and 7 x 50 caliber bullets now stored in high secured office of Panguna Transit Haus. We strongly believe more and more guns will be brought in before 1st of September, 2019.
The PDMWC team acknowledges the high Profile Visit made by Bougainville Affairs Minister, Hon. Dr. Puka Temu. We thank you Minister for accepting our invitation through SMLOLA and actually coming to Panguna to witness the stored Me’ekamui Weapons Collected from our 28 days village to village awareness and consultations.
We extend our acknowledgement to Central Bougainville Region Member, Hon Sam Akoitai, ABG BPA and Implementation Minister, Hon. Albert Punghau for also being part of the Road Show Delegation to Panguna to also witness actual work done by the PDMWC team who have finally agreed to work in alignment with the rest of Bougainville in preparation for Referendum to actually vote for Bougainville INDEPENDENCE.
PDMWC Team also extends acknowledgement to John Anuma from ANCOBA, member to the Joint Weapons Disposal Secretariat and Rui Flores from UNDP for coming to Panguna and able to hear our Progressive Report regarding Me’ekamui Weapons Collection for containment.
PDMWC Team expresses its thanks to SMLOLA, RTG Minerals and the Panguna Minerals Limited Joint Venture for providing the much needed funding for the Bougainville Veterans Summit, as no funds were forthcoming from the ABG or other stakeholders. This is in addition to the generous support provided over the many years in assisting with the vast number of reconciliations and numerous disarmament awareness programs conducted throughout the villages of Central. Weapons Disposal is the pillar of the Bougainville Peace Agreement. Without the work of our long time trusted partner Renzie Duncan we would not be almost able to
declare full compliance with the Bougainville Peace Agreement on Weapons Disposal. The Joint Venture has been our consistent and solid supporter of us achieving Weapons Disposal.
PDMWC Team upholds the Status of “Mary, Queen of the Mountains Declaration signed on the 25th July, section 1- Weapons Disposal that states on
PDMWC Team upholds the Status of “Mary, Queen of the Mountains Declaration signed on the 25th July, section 1- Weapons Disposal that states on
- - clause ii. “We under take to contain our weapons of war that may still be held by former combatants and those in possession of civil Bougainvillians by 15th August. The ultimate date for containment set at no later than 1st September”.
- - Signatories to the Bougainville Veterans Summit Declaration are:
- Philip Takaung – President Me’ekamui
- Allan Nakin- Vice President North Me’ekamui
- Michael Rampai – South Me’ekamui Representative
- Moses Pipiro – MDF General
- Peter Barik – Chairman North Bougainville Veterans Association
- Michael Komoiki – Chairman South Bougainville Veterans Association
- Demas Kitare – Chairman Central Bouhgainville Veterans Association
- Hon. Albert Punghau, MHR- Minister responsible for Peace Agreement
Implementation - Hon. Steven Topesi, MHR- Member Kongara Constituency
- Hon. Ben Malatan, MHR – Member for North Ex Combatants
- Daniel Rumbali – NCOBA Department of PM and NEC
- Clyde Parris- UN weapons Disposal Advisor
- Pastor Albert Magoi- Chairman Bougainville Christian Churches Association
- Maximillan Pipino- President Panguna District Youth Association
- Reuben Siara- Programs Manager Core Group
- Lynnette Ona- Bougainville Women’s Representative.
According to: “Mary Queen of the Mountains Chapel, Panguna 25th July 2019 Declaration”
We believe that any weapon still withheld after the 1st of September will be accounted for by Law and Order, which means weapons will be disqualified for containment and tagged for destruction.
Panguna District Me’ekamui Weapons Containment team invites Bougainville Veterans from North, Central and South to part take in this Cultural Act on Saturday 31st August 2019.
PDMWC Invitation is extended to:
Weapons Collection for Containment End date is approaching and there are few but very important activities that needs prompt attention and action.
PDMWC Invitation is extended to:
- National Government, Minister for Bougainville Affairs, Hon Puka Temu,
- ABG, Minister for BPA and Implementation Hon. Albert Punghau.
- Joint Weapons Disposal Secretariat
- UNDP Partners, esp. UN Weapons Disposal Expert, Clyde Parris.
- Panguna District Station Commander, Peter Tauna
- Bougainville Police Service, certifying Officer, Victor and Herman Birengka.
- Panguna District Veterans Commander, Peter Onabui
- Panguna District Community Government Chairmans
- MDF General Commander, Moses Pipiro
- Me’ekamui Council President, Philip Takaung
- Panguna District Citizens and Friends.
Weapons Collection for Containment End date is approaching and there are few but very important activities that needs prompt attention and action.
- UN Weapons Disposal Expert and Bougainville Police Service to verify, inspect, register weapons for containment.
- The Panguna Weapons Amour Storage shed yet to be inspected and granted for usewith a Certificate of Completion to Construction and PDMWC team.
- Panguna District is now Weapons Free
- Panguna District is Referendum Ready and ....
- Panguna District Me’ekamui does not regret to announce its readiness for the re-
opening of the Panguna Mine with the Preferred Mining Developer, RTG.
- Me’ekamui Council president- Philip Takaung
- Me’ekamui DF General Commander- Moses Pipiro
- North MDF- Joel Korus
- South MDF – Michael Rambai
- Bougainville Veterans Core Group- Moses Pipiro & Reuben Siara
- North Core Group- Donald Hamao
- Central Core Group- Junior Dakei
- South Core Group – Charley Taugo
- Bougainville Women and Youths
- Bougainville Christian Churches
- SMLOLA/ RTG – Philip Miriori
- Community Government Ward Chairmans
- Bougainville Police Services.
- Bougainville International Partners - UN, PGF .... etc.
- Joint Weapons Containment Secretariat
- ABG Central Bougainville Veterans Member, Noah Doko.
- ABG admin services.
Chris Tarusi Paul Mirina Sylvester Birou
PWDC Chairman PWDC EC Chairman Admin - General Logistics